Micro-SIM Archives - MACNOTES.NET - iPhone, iPad and Mac News from Germany!

Cutting the Nano-SIM for iPhone 5: Stencil to do it yourself

Nano SIMs are basically just smaller Mini-/Micro-SIM with the same chip and contact design, which makes it possible to cut them to a smaller form factor. There are special punchers on the market which cut older SIM to the Nano SIM format, but you can also use scissors and our stencil to make it yourself (...). Weiterlesen!

Cut your Micro-SIM for iPhone 4 and iPad 3G: Stencil and Scissors-Solution

The Micro-SIM cards used in the new iPhone 4 and the iPad 3G are (almost) identical and fully compatible to the stansard SIM-Cards used in most mobile phones. Therefore, any SIM can be used as a MicroSIm, too – after the surplus plastic is cutted away. To fit a standard SIM in the microSIM-tray of (...). Weiterlesen!

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