Security Archives - MACNOTES.NET - iPhone, iPad and Mac News from Germany!

iOS 5 Security Issue: Making Calls Without Entering Passcode [Update: Siri Bypasses Passcode For almost Any Purpose]

Last week, Apple released iOS 5 for iPhone 3GS and 4. iPhone 4S is available since friday. All those smartphones have one thing in common: They share a security treat which allows you to call back any person without knowing the passcode.
Interview with F-Secure: Antivirus for Mac OS X, useful or not?

Interview with F-Secure: Antivirus for Mac OS X, useful or not?

Malware for Mac is still rare especially compared with the Windows platform. Is it because of the inherent security of the unixoid operating system or is it because it’s not appealing enough for virus writers? This is the parting of the way. F-Secure sees a growing need for Mac protection. Otherwise the security vendor wouldn’t (...). Weiterlesen!

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